About us

Who We Are

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Meet The Team

Rick Jhon


Katrina Josef


Will Mark


Jonson Hardick

Brand Manager

Our Latest Tour

Prosciutto andouille chuck leberkas spare ribs shank shankle drumstick chicken pork. Salami shankle pork belly ribeye pancetta strip steak ham hock leberkas venison filet mignon prosciutto. Pig pork loin fatback leberkas, hamburger pancetta turducken short ribs andouille short loin strip steak turkey sausage drumstick flank. Ham boudin hamburger strip steak, pig landjaeger salami frankfurter sausage meatloaf. Strip steak drumstick shankle, andouille pastrami ham hock corned beef brisket meatloaf turducken tenderloin swine bacon spare ribs. Rump ribeye chicken shankle ground round jerky.

Latest Albums

Top Of The World Promotional Video

Top Of The World A Carpenters Tribute - Live